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Минусовка «Stevie Wonder – As 2».

ИсполнительStevie Wonder
НазваниеAs 2
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Свойства файла05:15, 12,00 Мб. Частота записи: 44 kHz. Битрейт: 320 kbps.
Тип записимастер + бэк
Дата добавления16 Ноября 2020 г.
Тематика песни, теги

1976 г. альбом "Songs In The Key Of Life".


Stevie Wonder – As

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Текст песни «Stevie Wonder – As»
As around the Sun the Earth knows she's revolving
And the rosebuds know to bloom in early May
Just as hate knows love's the cure
You can rest your mind assure
That I'll be loving you always

As now can't reveal the mystery of tomorrow
But in passing will grow older every day
Just as all is born is new
Do know what I say is true
That I'll be loving you always

Until the rainbow burns the stars out in the sky (always)
Until the ocean covers every mountain high (always)
Until the dolphin flies and parrots live at sea (always)
Until we dream of life and life becomes a dream

Did you know that true love asks for nothing?
Her acceptance is the way we pay
Did you know that life has given love a guarantee?
To last through forever and another day

Just as time knew to move on since the beginning
And the seasons know exactly when to change
Just as kindness knows no shame
Know through all your joy and pain
That I'll be loving you always

As today I know I'm living but tomorrow
Could make me the past but that I mustn't fear
For I'll know deep in my mind
The love of me I've left behind
'Cause I'll be loving you always

Until the day is night and night becomes the day (always)
Until the trees and seas just up and fly away (always)
Until the day that eight times eight times eight is four (always)
Until the day that is the day that are no more (Did you know that you're loved by somebody?)
Until the day the earth starts turning right to left (always)
Until the Earth just for the Sun denies itself (I'll be loving you forever)
Until dear Mother Nature says her work is through (always)
Until the day that you are me and I am you (always)
Until the rainbow burns the stars out in the sky
Until the ocean covers every mountain high (always)

We all know sometimes life's hates and troubles
Can make you wish you were born in another time and space
But you can bet you life times that and twice its double
That God knew exactly where he wanted you to be placed
So make sure when you say you're in it but not of it
You're not helping to make this Earth a place sometimes called Hell
Change your words into truths and then change that truth into love
And maybe our children's grandchildren
And their great-great grandchildren will tell
I'll be loving you

Until the rainbow burns the stars out in the sky (loving you)
Until the ocean covers every mountain high (loving you)
Until the dolphin flies and parrots live at sea (loving you)
Until we dream of life and life becomes a dream--Be loving you
Until the day is night and night becomes the day (loving you)
Until the trees and seas up, up and fly away (loving you)
Until the day that eight times eight times eight is four (loving you)
Until the day that is the day that are no more (loving you)
Until the day the earth starts turning right to left (be loving you)
Until the earth just for the sun denies itself (loving you)
Until dear Mother Nature says her work is through (loving you)
Until the day that you are me and I am you (Now ain't that loving you)
Until the rainbow burns the stars out in the sky (Ain't that loving you)
Until the ocean covers every mountain high (And I've got to say always)

Until the dolphin flies and parrots live at sea (always)
Until we dream of life and life becomes a dream (always)
Until the day is night and night becomes the day (always)
Until the trees and seas just up and fly away (always)
Until the day that eight times eight times eight is four
Until the day that is the day that are no more (always)
Until the day the earth starts turning right to left
Until the Earth just for the Sun denies itself (always)
Until dear Mother Nature says her work is through
Until the day that you are me and I am you
Until the rainbow burns the stars out in the sky
Until the ocean covers every mountain high

Until the dolphin flies and parrots live at sea
Until we dream of life and life becomes a dream
Until the day is night and night becomes the day
Until the trees and seas just up and fly away
Until the day that eight times eight times eight is four
Until the day that is the day that are no more
Until the day the earth starts turning right to left
Until the earth just for the sun denies itself
Until dear Mother Nature says her work is through


Похожие треки исполнителя:
Master Blaster (оригинал + бэк) –
As (оригинал) –
Live At Last (мастер) – stevie wonder with chick corea's "spain" - live at last - london 2008.
Pastime Paradise (мастер + бэк) –
As 2 - вы здесь

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